Thursday, February 26, 2009

Charector Idea Overview

With the explosion idea cooling off I had a look into my portfolio and what I have to offer. I need some more charector based stuff. So I am thinking about creating my insects video which would be a mix of live action, real backgrounds, and staged materials, with a live pilot. here are some ideas I have about how the pilot should look.

Charector Idea 1

First Idea, not happening

Now that I think of it, I dont think that the explosion idea would be good to do. Here are the reasons
1. I have already a particle type of effect which I have done with my first brief of this year.

2. I already have an explosion effect! DOh!

3. After watching videos on explosions I have to say I think that it wouldnt be the best for my portfolio concsidering the nature of what they do and what they are. I do realise that they are a part of film that is definitely needed in so many types of film but I just am not into it as much as some of the other ideas that I have.

Explore Idea 1

Thinking about the explosion idea further, I thought that I would look into what it would take to create a realistice explosion in Maya. Here are some links to some tutorials I found.

this one looks good to me....


This tutorial might add some insight...

I think this tutorial would be good for making debri....

a lava shader tutorial which might be helpful

This video from YouTube looked good, but I feel like it still doesnt look real. Although it is one the better ones I have seen. It seems to me that the smoke it the most unrealistic part of it. The backplate is well done though.

This Video from YouTube is a mixture of CG and real life explosions, It actually has changed my mind about creating a explosion for my Final Major Project. Here have a watch

First Ideas

One of my first ideas for my Final Major Project was to create a vehicle or projectile exploding. I searched the internet for some photos that would inspire me more on the idea. I thought that I could create the explosions in Maya and then add some more realism to them using Photoshop and After Effects.

Step Back

I just realised that I need to step back a few steps and start from the very beginning when I didnt even know what I was going to do at first for my Final Major Project. So the next few post will be about the early thought processes and how I came to this current choice.

Where to start

To start with I am going to explain what it is I am creating for my Final Major Project. I need to create more pieces of work for my portfolio, as a digital visual effects artist. What is needed is some more 3D compositing work so I am going to be creating a 1-2 minute film clip of a insect looking flying machine which is piloted by very small people, as it flys in and around plants. This clip should show compositing skills, match moving, set design, prop design, 3d modelling texturing and animation skills, lighting and sound. We will see how it all comes out, I do feel it will work well with in the time that I have been givin for my Final major project. Here is a picture of what the mechanical insect flying machine will look like.

The Start of Something

This Blog is for documenting my work in progress for my final major project. I am currently attending college at Leeds College of Art and Design, and the course that I am on is Digital Design for Multimedia in which I am in my last year. If you have any questions at all or would like to contact me about my blog and what you see then please feel free to do so. You can find my contact information listed in my Profile.